MSERM - Dr.Mohammed ACHOUR

Dr. Mohamed ACHOUR is Vice President of the Moroccan Society for Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine
Born July 15, 1975 in Agadir Moroccan nationality Married Academic background :PCEM1: received the first time in 1994 Lille Internship competition: received on the first try in 2000 Doctorate in Medicine 2005 Bordeaux Antilles Guyana DES Gynecology Obstetrics 2005 Bordeaux Advanced laparoscopy diploma from Kiel school of endoscopy (Germany) IUD reconstructive and restorative breast surgery (Paris)European IUD gynecological oncology surgery Diploma in Medicine and Reproductive Biology (Paris)

Professional career
Private practice Part-time PH Current professional practice Liberal (Agadir) + CNSS (Agadir)Professional interests: Minimal invasive surgery Gynecological and breast oncology

See also !

The MSERM Secretariat

Moroccan Society for Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine

1,Mansour Saadi Street, Racine, Casablanca, Morocco. CP 20100

Tel: +212 522397339


MSERM conferences: Contact the organizing committee:

E-Mail: Mob: +212 669856255

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