MSERM - Effect of Argan Oil on Liquid Storage of Ram Semen in Tris or Skim Milk Based Extenders


Due to its high antioxidant content, the argan oil could play a beneficial role in liquid storage of ram semen. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of different concentration of argan oil (ARO) on spermatologic parameters, lipid peroxidation and DNA fragmentation during liquid storage of ram semen until 48 h. Also effects of extenders and temperature on same parameters were assessed. For these aims, semen samples were collected from Boujaâd rams, extended with Tris egg yolk or skim milk extenders without (control) or supplemented with different concentrations of ARO (1%, 2%, 5% and 10% v/v) at a final concentration of 0.8 × 109 sperm/mL and stored until 48 h at 5 °C or 15 °C. The sperm quality assessments were performed at different intervals during storage (0, 8, 24 and 48 h). 

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