MSERM - Executive Committee

Dear Colleague,

Forging forward after a year of unparalleled challenges presented by a pandemic, Health of thr Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine (MSERM) will continue tenaciously to strengthen the trust we have been cultivating with all our stakeholders.

This is key if we are to realise our vision of become the first local and global network in health care services about Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine and the most scientific research and studies and to enhance people’s confidence. In a global environment still threatened by COVID-19 and rife with economic, political and other uncertainties, trust forms the bedrock of our resilience and sustainable growth and is central to our governance culture. With an ingrained culture of trust, we can be confident of sustainable success, given our solid fundamentals, robust corporate oversight and the prudent management of our operations.
Engendering Trust for Sustainable health Fertility and Infertility and Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine

Fertility and Infertility and Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine with 28 International associations across 16 countries, MSERM was on the front line of the pandemic in 2020. Like many other businesses, we realised that this unprecedented health crisis demanded that we transform the way we operate and review.

The MSERM Secretariat

Moroccan Society for Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine

1,Mansour Saadi Street, Racine, Casablanca, Morocco. CP 20100

Tel: +212 522397339


MSERM conferences: Contact the organizing committee:

E-Mail: Mob: +212 669856255

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