Reproductive Surgery SIG-S :
Welcome to the section dedicated to the Special Interest Reproductive Surgery. Here you can read more about us, our activities and our recommended reading.
Strategic Coverage and fields of interest:
SIG-S Reproductive Surgery is concerned to promote the usefulness of minimal invasive diagnostic tools in reproductive gynecology as well as to promote the surgical therapy of organic causes (such as malformations, polyps, endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids, hydrosalpinges…) leading to infertility, by appropriate “preservation” and/or as first step of treatment of infertile couples in order to re-establish fertility or create the best conditions to improve ART outcome.
As Primum non nocere also safety in surgery is on the scope. Knowledge on safe surgical access, correct use of instruments in particular electric ones, prevention of surgery-correlated injuries specially in endoscopic techniques have to be correctly acquired form young surgeons before starting.
Objectives Overview of the Reproductive Surgery SIG-RS:
- The organization of meetings and live surgery sessions involving expert clinicians.
- The organization of training activities with a particular care addressed to residents and young clinicians.
- To cooperate with other endoscopic societies in order to create a network of teaching institutes.
The Chairman Reproductive Surgery SIG-S board
Dr. Wassym SENHAJI - Morocco