MSERM - About MSERM membership

Being an MSERM member means being part of the world’s leading society in reproductive science and medicine.

MSERM membership has many benefits: reduced fees on events and journals, the newsletter Focus on Reproduction, access to the e-learning platform, ...

MSERM can bring you up-to date knowledge, network-ing, funding of your research, continuing education, guidelines, trials, data collections, certification of your skills , high-quality practice, advancement in your career, ...

Membership of the Society is open to all individuals active in the field of reproductive medicine and science including medical doctors, scientists, students and support personnel.

How to get involved

Interested to become an MSERM mentor or (at a later stage) mentee? If you're an MSERM member, you can apply with the following application form. The form collects information that will help us match mentors and mentees based on a number of criteria including mentoring domain of interest, years of expertise or language. Based on the information collected in the forms, we will match mentors and mentees as best we can, this may take some time if a particular subject or topic is requested.

Not an MSERM member yet? Find our more about MSERM membership and apply here.

MSERM Membership categories

There are two different membership categories:

(*) If you apply for category 2 membership, you will be requested to send a proof of status. Please make sure you have it close before your start filling the online application form as you will not be able to proceed without it. If you have to send it later to complete your file, you can do so by e-mail. Allied professionals and students need to send a confirmation letter from their Head of Department to prove their status or a copy of their student card showing the expiration date. Embryologists have to register at the ordinary membership fee unless we receive a letter in which their Head of Department confirms they work in a routine environment as a lab technician. You can download and use this template.

If we do not receive a proper proof of status within 2 weeks after the membership application is submitted, your application will be cancelled.

Please allow 2 days up to one week for your membership to be (re-)activated.

To avoid the process of having to renew your membership every year, MSERM offers its members the possibility of signing up as a member for three years. This means that when you renew your membership, you pay a fee of 180 Euro (3 x 60 Euro instead of 3 x 70 Euro) for ordinary membership or 120 Euro (3 x 40 Euro) for category 2 membership. Your membership will then be activated for three consecutive years.

The MSERM Secretariat

Moroccan Society for Endometriosis and Reproductive Medicine

1,Mansour Saadi Street, Racine, Casablanca, Morocco. CP 20100

Tel: +212 522397339


MSERM conferences: Contact the organizing committee:

E-Mail: Mob: +212 669856255

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